I expanded my network, tapped into new markets, and brought my business to the next level by committing to 90 meetings in 90 days, and I'm going to show you how.
What is GoViral in 90?
GoViral in 90 is a free personal and professional challenge where we give you the tools to embark on 90 meetings in 90 days.

Why 90 Meetings in 90 Days?
Are you an entrepreneur, solopreneur or freelancer?

Do you want more clients and business opportunities?

Do you feel out of touch or stagnant in your professional development?

Then this is for you.

This isn't anything you need to pay for. This is a 100% free accountability-check challenge to help inspire you to commit to meeting 90 people in 90 days to talk about your business and your passion. If you dedicate yourself to this challenge, then whether you achieve your goal or not, you WILL change, grow, learn and next level yourself and your business.

I know, because I did.
After living in Europe for nearly two decades and launching my digital agency in Prague, GoViralDigital, I decided I wanted to sell my services back in NYC. But, with more than 6,000 digital agencies to compete with, I needed a way to generate more business.
I decided to commit myself to attending 90 meetings in just 90 days so I could sit face to face with people, tell them about what I do, help them with their own struggles, and create a relationship.
What started as a business development exercise turned into a life-changing personal journey. I learned about myself, improved my pitch, expanded my network and learned how to better listen to my audience.
and this is my 90 days journey
(And why this process works)
Yuko Kudo
Social Entrepreneur, Photographer, Singer
Founder, "I AM" series
I am so happy I met Belinda during her 90d90m. I have taken many online courses and in person workshops before but she helped me get it not only intellectually, but really get it. The process/exercise she took me through, how to attract, convert and delight people helped me to structure my idea into actual steps. What really made me happy was how much she cares and loves this work. There are many people who can do the work, but not really care about it. That passion and connection I had with Belinda made me feel really supported. Trust was build immediately.
Sara Denny Roth
Vice President, Consumer Marketing & Communications
La Mer, Estée Lauder
I met Belinda nearly 20 years ago when we both worked in Thailand, so when she reached out to me about her campaign I was happy to meet. Having the chance to sit face to face and catch up and learn more about what she's passionate about, I realized that she could help take my husbands business to the next level. I would recommend for other entrepreneurial initiatives as she is an amazing partner. So glad we took the time to connect!
Jessica Ryan
Creative Strategist and Founder
Broadway Unlocked
Our 90 minutes flew by in a flurry of history-sharing and wild brainstorms. We kept in touch, and as one of my projects started to grow its budget, I immediately called Belinda. My businesses are both high-performing but are also extremely mission driven. For me, being kind, passionate, wildly creative and collaborative are as important as the quality of results you drive. Our meeting gave us the chance to build a foundation for a genuine relationship that will keep us working together for years to come.
Learn more, get inspired, lay the plans for your own #goviralin90 challenge, and become a part of our community of trailblazers!

Sign up FOR FREE to join the challenge and receive weekly emails over the next six weeks from me with step-by-step directions and helpful tips to start your own 90 Meetings in 90 Days journey.

Sign up to learn more, get inspired, lay the plans for your own challenge, and become a part of our community of trailblazers!


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